Latest VCAN DVB-T2100S New software for Iran HD channel IRIB to solve no audio no sound in 2022

DVB-T2100S upgrade software

VCAN DVB-T2100HD DVB-T2100S New software for Iran HD channel IRIB to solve no audio no sound Some customers give us feedback, that Iran has an HD channel to test, but VCAN DVB-T2100HD 으로r digital tv DVB-T receiver can not get the audio, 아무 소리도 나지 않는 경우. So we enclosed the software here, please download it to upgrade.

DVB-T2100 upgrade software

DVB-T2100 upgrade file, 다운로드하려면 아래 링크를 클릭하세요.. (Almost 3.0MB size)


VCAN 다운로드 zip 파일

The below link is the guide on how to upgrade. HTTPS:// If you still have any problems, 부담없이 접촉 VCAN support.

DVB-T also is using the same technology as cofdm, if you are interested, 방문하시기 바랍니다 to learn more about COFDM Wireless Video Transmitter and Receiver

DVB-T2100HD 자동차 DVB-T

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