Why buy a 9-inch car removable headrest monitor?

9-inch car removable headrest monitor with bracket mount 2 af inntak 12-24V

9-inch car removable headrest monitor with bracket mount 2 af inntak 12-24V

Eiginleikar Vöru:

  • 9 headrest monitors with installation kit.
  • Laust hönnun
  • halda upprunalegu headrest
  • endurheimta hvenær
  • auðvelt að setja upp, aldrei breytast upprunalega stíl
  • use in-car or bus
  • 9-tomma 16:9 high-definition digital screen
  • sýna snið: PAL / NTSC / SECAM
  • Fully operated by OSD menu, styðja kínversku, and English.
  • Tveir Audio Video inntak
  • One AV is for an in-dash DVD player
  • One AV is for a rearview camera or digital TV receiver, leikur leikmaður
  • Fully operated by a remote controller
  • Engin merki verður blár skjár
  • Orkunotkun: 15W
  • Audio framleiðsla: 1W
  • starfa hitastig: -10℃ -60 ℃
  • hitastig við geymslu:-25℃ -80 ℃
  • Power: DC12V ~ 24V
  • setja gerð: Hengdur aftan bíl headrest með krappi
  • Innbyggður-í tveimur hljómtæki ræðumaður
  • VCAN recommended a Touch button design
  • lakk skel, hönd snerta þægindi


Sígarettu léttari aflgjafa línur
Remote stjórnandi
AV-í Rafstrengur
Höfuðpúði fjall Bracket

9-inch car removable headrest monitor

How to Choose the Right Headrest Monitor for Your Car?

When it comes to upgrading your car, a headrest monitor is a great way to add a touch of luxury and convenience. Headrest monitors provide entertainment for passengers, allowing them to watch movies, play video games, or listen to music. þó, with so many different models available, it can be difficult to choose the right one for your car. Here are some tips to help you make the right choice.

Fyrst, consider the size of the monitor. Headrest monitors come in a variety of sizes, ranging from 7 inches to 10 tommur. The size you choose will depend on the size of your car and the amount of space you have available. If you have a smaller car, a 7-inch monitor may be the best option. If you have a larger car, you may want to opt for a larger monitor.

næsta, consider the type of monitor. There are two main types of headrest monitors: LCD and LED. LCD monitors are usually more affordable, but they don’t offer the same picture quality as LED monitors. LED monitors are more expensive, but they provide a brighter, clearer picture.

Loksins, consider the features you want. Some headrest monitors come with built-in DVD players, while others have USB ports for connecting external devices. Some models also come with built-in speakers, allowing you to listen to music without headphones. Consider the features you need and choose a model that meets your requirements.

Með því að fylgja þessum ráðum, you can find the right headrest monitor for your car. With the right monitor, you can enjoy a comfortable and entertaining ride.

If you have any questions about the 9-inch car removable headrest monitor, vinsamlegast ekki hika við Hafðu samband við okkur.

Headrest monitor bracket, please see here, https://vc48.com/p/bk-638v-universal-headrest-mounting-bracket-2/

Höfuðpúðar Monitor Bracket Setja hátt

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