Pemancar-penerima data audio video nirkabel dua arah yang digunakan di darat untuk 1-2 km

Pemancar-penerima data audio video nirkabel dua arah yang digunakan di darat untuk 1-2 km is more popular, and we get a new inquiry. Recently, a client wanted us to customize a two-way wireless video and audio data transmission system for him, which is used on the construction site. The typical ground usage scenario is that both the transmitter and the receiver are on the ground. The transmission range required by the customer is 1-2 kilometer. If there are obstacles in the middle, a repeater can be added between the transmitter or receiver for video data and audio transfer. Pada waktu bersamaan, in case of problems with wireless transmission, you can switch to wired transmission at any time. And there are 4-6 cameras at the transmitter position. So he chose the following one, Vcan1752, according to his requirement details, TX900-2W-15KM is recommended.

Pemancar-penerima data audio video nirkabel dua arah yang digunakan di darat untuk 1-2 kilometer.

The following are the specific requirements of the customer. I will answer and explain one by one according to his specific requirements, why another style is more suitable or recommended.

1. Here is my first requirement, is it bidirectional two-way on the audio and data, unidirectional one-way transmission is ok.

Video: Vehicle -> Pengontrol (unidirectional, SATU ARAH)
Audio: Vehicle -> Pengontrol ; Controller -> Vehicle, (bidirectional, two-ways)
Data: Vehicle -> Pengontrol (UART interface needed); Controller -> kendaraan (UART interface needed)

The model Vcan1752 you mentioned is supporting video, audio, dan data.
The engineer is recommended at the below link, TX900. The NLOS test video at the below link from Youtube.

2. Video Interfacing: 4 SDI video inputs at a vehicle. One HDMI output at the controller. With all 4 videos displayed on the screen from HDMI output. Please mention the video quality of each individual stream of the 4 video.

The model Vcan1752: The four videos are synthesized into route videos, and the overall video quality is 1080P60. If you need to see a single high-definition video, you can switch to single-video mode.
The recommended model TX900 also supports 4-6 video inputs at 1080P via the IP ethernet camera. Each of the four videos is 1080P.

Four-video test video at

the multi-camera transmitter and receiver for PTZ surveillance camera
Pengawasan dan Pengendalian COFDM

3. Please mention all the functionalities of this remote.

This is the remote control of the receiver, which is used to modify the parameters of the receiver, seperti frekuensi, Bandwidth, dan seterusnya.
TX900 setting all the computer browsing, no remote control. Web UI management, or AT UART command,

Pengawasan dan Pengendalian COFDM

4. Is this a card reader with an SD card in it? Or something else?
Is it for video storage purposes? I own a 1 Terabyte USB hard disk drive. Can I plug it in instead of the card reader with an SD card in it? (It is because I would prefer a 1TB storage for the incoming video)

The model Vcan1752 you mentioned: the USB interface can store video, and you can use a TF card or a U disk. I haven’t tried the 1TB one. It should not be a big problem. The commonly used one is 32GB.64GB.
The recommended model TX900 does not support recording directly, but you need an extra NVR to record. We always use VLC or RTSP player as the monitor and recording in the computer.

5. Please show me the audio in/Out ports in both vehicle and controller module

The model Vcan1752: The audio is a separate pickup, which is input through the video port of the transmitter, and there is sound when the HDMI is decoded at the receiver, without a separate audio output port.
The recommended model TX900 supports an ethernet camera with a mic and speaker, just plugin in the RJ45 on the transmitter and receiver is ok.

6. Does the recorded video contain audio? I would prefer incoming audio embedded in the recorded video.


8. The wireless video transmission range: NLOS minimum 1 Km

Depending on your local using environment, you can refer to our test video.

9. RF Transmission Power needs 5 watts of PA (Power Amplifier)

The model Vcan1752: Temporarily only supports 2W, 5W can not fit, has high power consumption, not have good heat dissipation.
The recommended model TX900 supports 2W, 5W, 10W.

10. Range extender:

I require a module to extend the range (Similar to a repeater station). It will increase the range by at least 500m and allow me to work in more complex NLOS situations. It takes the signal from the controller and relays it back to the vehicle and takes the signal from the vehicle and relays it back to the controller

The situation is a bit like this. It will help overcome extreme curvature. (Extender is not fixed to the ground! The image is symbolic)

If I place the repeater in between the controller and the vehicle, it will allow me to cross a more complex NLOS environment, and give me a greater range. (I am not looking for a very high powerful transmitter to eliminate the repeater station.)

Vcan Reply:

The model Vcan1752: NOT support a range extender

The recommended model TX900 supports a range extender. Customers need to purchase three sets of transceivers, one as a transmitter, the other as a receiver, dan yang ketiga dapat ditempatkan sebagai relay di tempat-tempat yang sinyalnya buruk.

Pemancar-penerima data audio video nirkabel dua arah yang digunakan di darat untuk 1-2 km

Relaynya seperti gambar di atas. Drone di langit adalah alat perluasannya. Pemancar dan penerima berada di kedua sisi gunung. UAV di angkasa dapat menghubungkan pemancar dan penerima.

Pertanyaan: Transceiver pada kendaraan dan pengontrol tidak identik. Saya berasumsi Anda mengatakan membeli 3 unit artinya semuanya identik.

Menjawab: Transceiver sebenarnya sama dengan mereka. Pemancar, penerima, dan extender semuanya produk yang sama. Mereka adalah transceiver dan dapat menerima serta mengirimkan data dan audio.

11. Transmisi Kabel:

Katakanlah transmisi nirkabel tidak dimungkinkan di lingkungan tertentu. Dan saya harus menggunakan transmisi kabel. Saya ingin mengirimkan semua data antara pengontrol dan kendaraan melalui transmisi kabel (Serat Optik). Harus ada saklar di pengontrol, yang akan mengalihkan sistem antara COFDM nirkabel dan serat optik kabel komunikasi. (Stasiun repeater tidak diperlukan atau berlaku dalam komunikasi serat optik, sebagai pengontrol dan kendaraan terhubung langsung).

  • Katakanlah, mengalihkan di -> pengontrol dan kendaraan terhubung melalui kabel serat optik. (Jika kabel serat optik dicabut, komunikasi gagal jelas)
  • Katakanlah, mengalihkan mati -> pengontrol dan kendaraan terhubung melalui sistem COFDM nirkabel. (Jika kabel serat optik disambung atau diputuskan, tidak masalah, Karena, itu tidak digunakan, dan pada dasarnya merupakan beban mati)

Vcan Reply:

Model Vcan1752 yang Anda sebutkan: Tidak mendukung

Model TX900 yang direkomendasikan mendukung penambahan kabel jaringan tambahan.

Kabel jaringan biasa mendukung 100 meter paling banyak. Jika Anda menggunakan serat optik, Anda perlu menambahkan modul transceiver optik.

Pemancar-penerima data audio video nirkabel dua arah yang digunakan di darat untuk 1-2 km

Pertanyaan: Akan audio dan kontrol + data umpan balik melalui serat optik?

Menjawab: Serat optik seperti kabel jaring, Yang dapat menghubungkan pemancar dan penerima dengan kabel. Audio dan Video merupakan transmisi bersama pada waktu yang sama.

Pertanyaan: Jika dua transceiver dapat mengirimkan kontrol + umpan balik secara nirkabel, mereka harus mampu mengirimkan kendali + umpan balik melalui serat optik. Karena saya perlu mengontrol dan melihat status kendaraan saya saat menggunakan fiber optik.

Menjawab: Silakan pilih transceiver serat optik dengan transmisi data RS232 RS485.

transceiver serat optik dengan transmisi data RS232 RS485

We are currently in the process of making a long-range Unmanned surface vehicle and we are searching for long-range antennas and transmitters for such a project. We need a range of at least 300km. Do You have something like that in your inventory?

Untuk penggunaan di darat, sulit untuk mengirimkan 300km, karena bumi itu bulat, dari pemancar ke penerima, ada banyak kendala.
Anda harus mempertimbangkan melakukan 300km melalui repeater (drone di udara)

I want to order TX900, 802-826Mhz-2watt, should I need a configuration board for it?

1. Tidak diperlukan panel konfigurasi. Tautan nirkabel dua arah secara langsung mengakses alamat IP node dari tautan nirkabel melalui UI web port jaringan dan memiliki server web internal untuk melihat parameter dan konfigurasi.

2. Sama seperti router wifi, konfigurasikan parameter tampilan melalui UI web.

3. Tolong beri tahu saya apakah Anda menggunakannya untuk aplikasi udara-ke-darat atau aplikasi darat-ke-darat. Jika itu adalah aplikasi darat ke darat, kutipannya dapat didasarkan pada level 15km. Jika itu adalah aplikasi udara-ke-darat, Anda perlu memahami jarak transmisi yang diharapkan untuk merekomendasikan tingkat jarak yang sesuai untuk penawaran.

We need to transmit 1-2 kilometers on the ground from the mining truck to the command center.

1-2km dari truk penambangan ke pusat komando

iVcan: kontrol zoom permintaan terakhir dari tempat NVR atau DVR? mungkin anda memerlukan sistem transmisi dua arah. Transmisi satu arah COFDM tidak dapat memenuhi hal ini. Jika ya, maka kami merekomendasikan itu milik kami TX900-5watt.

Dalam mode jaringan bintang TX900, Node Pusat ditempatkan di tengah sebagai relay. Versi Mesh dapat ditempatkan dengan santai, dan sistem nirkabel akan secara otomatis menyampaikannya.

Kamera HDMI memerlukan modul pengkodean video. Decoding juga dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan komputer atau papan decoding.

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