DVB-T2 Bjelorusija: Beltelecom širi DVB-T2 pay-TV usluge

DVB-T2 Bjelorusija: Beltelecom širi DVB-T2 pay-TV usluge

DVB-T2 Bjelorusija
Belarusian national operator Beltelecom has expanded the coverage of its commercial DVB-T2 servces package in the Vitebsk, Grodno and Minsk regions. The packages for DVB-T2 Belarus were launched over the Obukhovo transmitter in the Vitebsk region, the Skersi transmitter in the Grodno region and the Radoshkovichi and Volozhin transmitters in the Minsk region. The ‘Premiere’ Zala TV package includes 51 TV channels for a monthly subscription of BYR 57,300. The ‘Standard’ TV package contains 26 TV channels for BYR 34,050 mjesečno. Source from: http://www.telecompaper.com/news/beltelecom-expands-dvb-t2-pay-tv-services–1067062 Here is more home DVB-T2, DVB-T2, mobile phone DVB-T2 for Belarus using.
DVB-T2 Bjelorusija

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