Vídeo de proba do transmisor e receptor de audio de datos de vídeo sen fíos máis recentes 2022

Transmisor e receptor de audio de datos de vídeo sen fíos TX900 2 Vídeo de proba de 27 km de Watts desde o cumio da montaña ata a beira do mar. (Vídeo dentro)

Transmisor e receptor de audio de datos de vídeo sen fíos, De dobre sentido, Download-Upload

A customer saw our real test video about the 2 Watts Amplificador de potencia Transmisor e receptor de vídeo sen fíos de longo alcance de 27 km. He placed an order for this equipment. He hoped we would also bring the transmitter to the top of the mountain and the receiver to the seaside for testing before shipment. We have done our best to meet the needs of the customers. So we did it and created today’s video. If you want to learn about the actual transmission effect of long-range HD 1080P wireless video transmission, as well as how to operate it. Please keep watching.

Let’s begin by looking at the test location and distance on Google Earth. Search Meishajian, which is located on Shenzhen’s third highest peak, for no obstructions and simulate the situation of an aircraft with a transmitter in the air, ensuring that the test is within the line of sight. There are many high-rise buildings in a coastal city like Shenzhen. Finding a test environment with a line of sight and a distance of 30 kilometers is difficult. A T-shape is formed from here to the seaside of Nan’ao. Our receiving station is on the beach, and we can see the top of the transmitter from a distance of 27 quilómetros.

We used the good distance tool to determine that the distance between the transmitter and the receiver is nearly 27km. In the following video, we can see from the receiver’s web UI page that the current transmitter to receiver distance is 27390 metros.

Now let’s take a look at the situation of the transmitter on the mountain. The transmitter, IP network camera, and battery are placed on the rock. The trekking pole and red bubble belt make a red flag, which is fluttering in the wind so that the picture on the receiver screen is not static, it can be observed whether the wireless transmission video is smooth. The receiver is on the other side of the sea. The black transmitter is connected to two 30cm height transmitting antennas, the left part is the IP network camera, which is connected to the transmitter with a network cable, and the right part is a 12V battery, which powers the transmitter and the IP network camera.

Please try to position the transmitter and receiver vertically while transmitting. The signal strength will then be strong. Allow me to turn the transmitter and receiver in my hand, and the receiver monitor video will begin to move. The receiver will determine whether or not the video is smooth.

Now let’s take a look at the picture of the receiver.

The receiver is connected to the computer through the network cable. We can use the RTSP player on the computer and see the smooth picture directly.

We can also enter in the browser to open the setting page of the receiver. On this parameter setting page, we can see various parameters of the current transmitter and receiver. An important parameter in this table is the distance and the signal strength. Now we can see that from the current transmitter to the receiver distance is 27390 metros.

transmisor e receptor de vídeo sen fíos de longo alcance dron uav HDMI IP full duplex bidireccional

In the computer’s RTSP player, we can see that the wireless video transmission picture from the mountain transmitter has been kept very smooth, and the little red flag and the grass are fluttering in the wind without any lag, frozen, mosaic.

We are using an IP network camera to test, if your camera has HDMI 1080P, 4K HD, SDI, AHD, or CVBS output, we also can add an encoder to the transmitter, connect your video output, and send out the IP living streaming to the transmitter. No receptor, output the video to a computer through a network cable, or to a network video recorder.

It can be seen that the picture is very smooth,

Here we continue to play the videos recorded by the transmitter and receiver on the computer, and we can also answer some questions that some clients care about and always asked.

Two-Way full duplex Wireless Video Data Audio Transmission

Primeira, this set of wireless video data transmission transmitters and receivers is a two-way full duplex transmission system, it is like setting up an invisible wireless network in the air, two computers can be connected, and ping can be used in the computer’s cmd command state. In addition to transmitting video, data and audio can also be transmitted.

Power Amplifier options 2W, 5W, and 10W to support longer distance

Segundo, if you want to support longer distances, we can achieve longer distances by changing different amplifiers. Por exemplo, 300mW, 2 Vatios, 5 Vatios, 10 Watts power amplifier, the corresponding transmission distance is 7 km, 15 km, 30 km, 80 km, 100 km, the farthest can be transmitted to 150 km, we also have a 110 km The actual test video. If you are interested, I can also edit it and upload it for everyone to watch.

Up to 150Km, 4 times of English Channel Width

Terceiro, what is the concept of supporting up to 150 quilómetros? It is equivalent to 93 millas. The UK is separated from Europe by the English Channel, and its width is only 35 quilómetros, é dicir, 150 kilometers is equivalent to the width of 4 times English Channels. It can also transmit high-definition videos with good signals.

Video Download, UART Data TX RX,

Cuarto, if you need to control the PTZ camera, the receiver can also send control commands to adjust the direction and movement of the camera. This set of Wireless video data transmission transmitters and receivers also has three RS232 data interfaces, which can transmit various commands and data, and even connect with the drone’s flight control to remotely operate the drone.

AES 128 to protect video data safety

Fifth, this wireless video transmission device also supports aes128 for video encryption and decryption, so you don’t have to worry about your video, not safety, or being intercepted by others.

Two-Way Video Data Link Module + Amplificador de potencia

Sixth, Today we used 2 watts power amplifier. If your project demand, you can also purchase the two-way Wireless video data audio transmission transmitter and receiver module, and then configure your power amplifier.

1. What battery should I prepare for this 2 Vatios, 5 Vatios 10 Watts Power Amplifier transceiver?

2 Watts needs a 12V Power Supply, 5 Watts needs a 24V power supply, 10 Watts needs a 28V power supply

2. Respecto ao transmisor de vídeo, cales son as frecuencias dispoñibles?

There are three frequencies to choose from 800Mhz, 1.2G, e 2.4G.
Pero non hai un amplificador de potencia de 10 W para 150 km a 2,4 Ghz. So if the buyer wants to support a 150km transmission distance, só se poden escoller 800Mhz e 1,2G.

3. Podes facer un vídeo de proba para que o vexa antes do envío?

Por suposto, tamén entendemos que os transmisores e receptores de transmisión de vídeo sen fíos son moi caros. Estás lonxe da fábrica de China. e esperamos que os produtos que recibas sexan aptos para o mellor rendemento.

Se presta especial atención a un parámetro ou función específico, podemos facer algúns vídeos de proba en función das funcións que queiras ver, póñase en contacto connosco. Non se che enviará directamente sen a túa aprobación. Igual que hoxe, I tested and show the video to my client.

4. Podo usar un cable de RF de 3 metros desde o transmisor ata a antena?

Respecto ao cable de RF, our engineer doesn’t recommend that you used so long. Haberá unha redución de 0,5 dB para un cable de RF dun metro. Para 3 cable de RF do medidor, a intensidade do sinal reducirase en 1,5 dB.

5. It seems that your transmitter is supporting an IP camera, but my video source camera is HDMI or SDI video output, Como podo usar este transmisor e receptor?

si, a entrada de vídeo predeterminada é IP RJ45 ethernet pot, if your camera is HDMI or SDI or AHD, só máis unha caixa codificadora pequena para resolver este problema, this encoder box will output IP living stream to the transmitter.

6. Que tipos de portos de entradas de vídeo ten o teu transmisor de vídeo sen fíos?

Os nosos transmisores de vídeo sen fíos teñen este tipo de interfaces de entrada de vídeo: HDMI 1080P e 4K HDMI, Composto CVBS, SDI, AHD, Ethernet IP, and BNC, or tell us what type you need, and our engineer will modify it to meet your demand.

7. Cal é a distancia de transmisión admitida polo teu transmisor de vídeo sen fíos?

A nosa distancia de transmisión pódese axustar engadindo amplificadores de potencia. Agora mesmo, the main ones are 15km, 30km, 50km, 80km, 100km, e 150 km, que dependen das necesidades dos clientes.
Por suposto, the transmission distances listed above are all within LOS the line-of-sight range. Se hai obstáculos entre o emisor e o receptor, NLOS (a non liña de visión), a distancia de transmisión redúcese moito, só 1 km ou 2 km, dependendo do número de obstáculos intermedios e da contorna sen fíos local.

8. Que é unidireccional ou bidireccional? Simples vs semidúplex, full-duplex

One-way means, Só podemos transmitir e descargar vídeo ou datos desde o transmisor de vídeo sen fíos ao receptor nunha dirección, e non podemos cargar vídeo ou datos do receptor ao transmisor. Este tipo tamén se denomina simplex.
Two-way means that, non só podemos descargar vídeo ou datos do noso transmisor sen fíos ao receptor, pero tamén podemos subir o vídeo ou os datos do receptor ao transmisor. Isto é moi axeitado para operar drons. You can not only see the real-time video transmitted from the drone but also upload the command to control the drone or the command to control the PTZ camera to adjust the angle to the transmitter. Isto pode funcionar simultaneamente. This type is also named half-duplex or full-duplex.

9. O teu transmisor de vídeo HDMI admite o cifrado e o descifrado do receptor?

Most Wireless video transmitters now support AES128 or AES256 bit encryption and decryption, dependendo do modelo que elixas. Póñase en contacto connosco para verificar.

10. Pódese modificar a frecuencia do transmisor de vídeo sen fíos despois de que os usuarios comúns reciban a mercadoría?

The frequencies of both the wireless video transmitter and the wireless video receiver can be modified. Os usuarios deben comprar placas de configuración de parámetros adicionais.
con todo, tendo en conta que o amplificador de potencia e a antena correspondentes xa están fixados dentro dun determinado rango cando se envían os produtos. Se o usuario axusta a frecuencia do transmisor, the corresponding power amplifier, transmisor antena, and receiver antenna should also be modified to the same frequency, e estes usuarios deben estar preparados. Se non, fará que a frecuencia do transmisor de vídeo sen fíos sexa diferente da frecuencia da antena, dificultando a recepción. Polo tanto, asegúrese de informar a frecuencia correcta que precisa antes de facer un pedido.
Se é por seguridade ou confidencialidade, you can use the encryption and decryption functions of the transmitter and receiver, que pode garantir que a súa transmisión de vídeo sexa privada.

11. Vin que o teu modelo é moi parecido ás miñas necesidades, pero teño que modificar un dos parámetros, é posible?

si, all our product parameters can be customized according to customers’ needs. Se tes unha petición especial, por favor, avísenos.

12. Que debo facer se o meu receptor de vídeo sen fíos mostra un sinal débil?

1. Change the place of the receiver to avoid potential local interference from magnetic solid environments.
2. Ensure that the antennas on both the transmitter and receiver are vertical.
3. Please raise the antennas of the transmitter and receiver to maintain a particular height difference.
4. Please look around to ensure that there are no obstacles between the transmitter and receiver.
5. Change the orientation of the receiver antenna.
6. If it doesn’t work, try moving the receiver to be near the transmitter’s position to see if it exceeds the effective wireless transmission distance.
7. Or consider adding a relay of the transmitting between the transmitter and receiver.

13. Podo mercar só módulos dos transmisores e amplificadores? Quero ensamblalos no meu equipo.

Podemos, por suposto, supply wireless video transmitter modules and power amplifiers.
Para a primeira proba de mostra, Recomendo que compre todo o conxunto de produtos porque os nosos enxeñeiros optimizaron os parámetros para conseguir o mellor rendemento.
Despois de completar a verificación da proba, podes quitar a funda ou o disipador de calor, install it on your device, e axusta constantemente os parámetros para conseguir o mellor rendemento. No futuro, só poderá adquirir os módulos ou accesorios que precise.

14. To support longer distances, can I use a 10 vatios ou 20 Watts PA (amplificador de potencia)?

si, se precisas, we can change 10 vatios ou 20 Watts PA to support a more extended range.
If you still have any questions, póñase en contacto connosco!

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