Phillipines ISDB-T EWBS

EWBS Èiginn Warning System Broadcast

Èiginn Warning System Broadcast (EWBS) gabhail a-steach teicneòlas ùr a-steach do rabhadh siostaman còmhla ri dòighean traidiseanta de conaltraidh.

EWBS iomallach cur thuige an t-siostam airson Radio & Tbh a bhios a ’sgaoileadh fiosrachadh rabhaidh / rabhaidh gu luchd-amhairc agus luchd-èisteachd mu mhòr-thubaist buntainneach. Tha EWBS na fheart de Chraoladh-tìre Digiteach Seirbheisean Amalaichte (ISDB T-) siostam, a tha air a chruthachadh an toiseach le Iapan.

Tha ISDB T-àbhaisteach a bhith air a ghabhail os làimh le barrachd 15 dùthchannan o chionn beagan bhliadhnaichean. Iapan, Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Phillippines, Maldives, Uruguay, Chile, Venezuela, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Paraguay, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Belize, Botswana, Sri Lanka, El Salvador ISDB-T Digital TV Receiver and Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT).

Philippines ISDB-T EWBS

Vcan 1046 model support Philippins ISDB-T EWBS requirement now.

EWBS Emergency Warning Broadcast System

Standard Operating Procedures

Philippines ISDB-T EWBS 5

standard operating procedure (sop) for the emergency warning broadcast system (EWBS) through integrated services digital broadcast terrestrial (ISDB T-)

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Philippines Gov requirement

Phillipines gov requirement

ISDB-T receivers without EWBS capability shall not be allowed to be sold in the market after the said 18 month period.

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Watch the test VIDEO

We tested in the China factory.

Philippines ISDB-T EWBS 6

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