An àite Bolivia ISDB-T an àite tv analog anns na bliadhnachan ri teachd

Bolivia ISDB T-, digital terrestrial TV adoption has slipped to – at best – the tail-end of 2024. But the final locations will not be installed until the end of 2028 which is more than 3 years later than originally proposed.

The country’s government has agreed to see analog TV switched off initially in its first phase in the cities of Cochabamba, La Paz, and Santa Cruz de la Sierra. The aim is then to see DTT used with Japan’s ISDB T- pròtacal.

According to the government’s statement, the technology developed in Japan will allow companies to broadcast in better quality, enable a greater number of channels and incorporate new tools and guides for programming, interactivity, and mobile television, among other possibilities.

Phase III of the conversion process will take place by November 2028, says the government.

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