ISDB T EWBS STB Système de diffusion d'alerte d'urgence pour tremblement de terre-tsunami, ISDB T EWBS STB Système de diffusion d'alerte d'urgence pour tremblement de terre-tsunami, ISDB T EWBS STB Système de diffusion d'alerte d'urgence pour tremblement de terre-tsunami

EWBS’s full name is Emergency Warning Broadcast System, If the Digital tv box has an EWBS function, it will get the earthquake-tsunami, ISDB T EWBS STB Système de diffusion d'alerte d'urgence pour tremblement de terre-tsunami, or volcanic eruptions Emergency Warning Broadcast information. This video demonstrates how to find and save EWBS channels through automatic channel search. Actuellement, there is an EWBS tv signal in Peru Japan Philippines, and Indonesia, and our ISDB-T EWBS set-top box have been sold and used in Peru. The EWBS signal is built-in one special tv program channel by the TV station, and the alarm signal channel has been preset in the TV signal. When the TV station issues an emergency notification, it can notify the user of the TV box for the first time, showing that they are in the first, seconde, and third-level areas away from the dangerous area according to the prior settings. The user can take the corresponding action. EWBS signal requires a special set-top box. This function cannot be obtained through a software upgrade. It is necessary to update the mainboard of the set-top box and add a monitoring and processing chip for the EWBS signal. Once an emergency signal is received, it will be displayed on the TV screen first and beep sound, to gain precious escape time for hedging. Even in the daytime or at night when there is no TV watching, the TV box is in the standby state (the remote control is turned off the tv box and the power of the set-top box is not cut off), once an emergency message is received, it will start by itself and an alarm will sound.

ISDB T EWBS STB Système de diffusion d'alerte d'urgence pour tremblement de terre-tsunami, ISDB T EWBS STB Système de diffusion d'alerte d'urgence pour tremblement de terre-tsunami, ISDB T EWBS STB Système de diffusion d'alerte d'urgence pour tremblement de terre-tsunami

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