TV ni talevoni e Idia, Na Katubadardar Ena Solia na veigacagaca ni DD ena talevoni

TV ni Talevoni e Idia:

TV ni talevoni e Idia, io, Rawa beka ni o iyaloyalo? Sa rawa oqo mo sarava na D FIT-T2 TV ena nomu talevoni. Dauvakaraitaki Raraba, Na doordars sa dau soli kina na veiqaravi sega ni saumi ka na rawa kina na veiqaravi. o ira era vakayagataka me ra sarava na sala ni DD ena talevoni veikauyaki ka sega ni dua tale na initaneti.

TV ni Talevoni e Idia

Ena dua na itukutuku, a kaya o koya a vakauitukutuku ni: na Veiqaravi ni Televiseni Vakateresitieli:Doordarshan is available, since February 25 ena 16 cities including the four metros. The services are available in Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Guwahati, Patna, Ranchi, Cuttack and Ahmedabad.

According to a report, by Counterpoint Research, India has become the second-biggest smartphone market. in terms of active unique smartphone users, crossing 220 Mn users. The younger generation usually flips to apps like Spuul, Hotstar, YuppTV etc or YouTube for digital entertainment. Recently in January 2016, Netflix also entered India.

India Phone TV DVB-T2

Doordarshan had been contemplating the launch ,since last year as it believes that unlike other digitised channels, that work on internet, there are many Indians who depend upon free channels, like Doordarshan to watch TV. Hence, Prasar Bharati to create at least 20 free-to-air channels, including DD channels to expand its reach to people and youngsters.

How To Avail The Service?
Although the service is free of cost, the users first need to download, Tv-On-Go Doordarshan app, an Android app, for the dongle to catch signals from DD.

Users can buy the dongleWi-Fi devices, can be purchased from Flipkart, Ebay and Snapdeal.

Besides, some of the TV sets like that of Sony, LG, Panasonic, Samsung, kei na so tale. have built-in DVB-T2 tuner called Integrated Digital TV (iDTV), which can be used as a dongle for watching DD Channels.

Presently, channels like DD National, SS News, Bharati ni SS, Qito ni SS, are being broadcasted. The broadcaster plans to add more channels, and expand to more cities based on consumer’s feedback.

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