trosglwyddydd fideo di-wifr hir-amrediad-derbynnydd at ddefnydd atal tân coedwig

Hi, I need a long-range wireless video transmitter-receiver for forest fire prevention use.

As low latency as possible. Primary use is in forest and mountain areas for real-time surveillance 1080p resolution using PTZ cameras. Planning on 8 camera setup.

Do you want to install the 8 cameras with 8 transmitters and one receiver? May I know if the antenna can be installed higher or lower than the forest tree? Our TX900 supports 8-route video input to one receiver.

Ad a Ateb

Ni fydd eich cyfeiriad e-bost yn cael ei gyhoeddi. Mae meysydd gofynnol wedi'u marcio *

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Tanysgrifiwch nawr i barhau i ddarllen a chael mynediad i'r archif llawn.

Parhewch i ddarllen

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