Pam mae angen dau diwniwr dau antena ar flwch teledu car?

Pam mae angen dau diwniwr dau antena ar flwch teledu car?

Gyda dau diwniwr, dwy antena, you can install the antenna on the left and right sides of your car. when the car is running fast, once one antenna missed the tv signal, another antenna will be as a backup, to ensure that tv picture is stable and has no mosaic.

Pam mae angen dau diwniwr dau antena ar flwch teledu car?
2 Tiwniwr Chipset 2 Antenna digital tv module

If your local tv signal is not strong, maybe you should consider 4 tuners 4 antennae digital tv module.

4 tuner chipset 4 Antenna digital tv module receiver

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