100km uav video transmitter with relay repeater for VLOS BVLOS search uav

1. Tens un sistema d'UAV per transmetre dades de vídeo en un sistema repetidor de ruta de 100 km com a la imatge?

Tenim un model TX900-10W-150km que s'adapta a les vostres necessitats. si us plau, comproveu l'enllaç següent.

2. Estem desitjant connectar-nos per al requisit de l'amplificador de potència de llarg abast 2.4 rang de GHz, per transmetre/rebre vídeos per sobre del desitjat 55 km d'abast, amb Wi-Fi & Funcions de connectivitat Ethernet.

1. Tenim un model similar per satisfer la vostra demanda.
2. 2.4 La freqüència de GHz és difícil d'arribar als 55 km, però 1.4 GHz està bé
3. Us recomano que trieu el nostre TX900-5W-80km
4. El model predeterminat és un port Ethernet IP RJ45.
5. Si necessiteu una funció WIFI, la funció Wi-Fi s'ha d'instal·lar en un encaminador Wi-Fi extern, i no està integrat a la carcassa actual.

This 100km UAV Video Transmitter with Relay Repeater is the perfect solution for long-range, beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) search and surveillance operations. It is designed to provide reliable, high-quality video transmission over long distances, with a maximum range of up to 100km. The transmitter is equipped with a powerful relay repeater, which allows for multiple hops and extended range. It is also equipped with a high-gain antenna, which ensures maximum signal strength and range.

The transmitter is lightweight and compact, making it easy to install and transport. It is also designed to be resistant to interference and has a low power consumption, making it ideal for long-term operations. With its advanced features and long-range capabilities, this 100km UAV Video Transmitter with Relay Repeater is the perfect choice for search and surveillance operations.

This product is a 100km UAV video transmitter with a relay repeater for VLOS and BVLOS search UAVs. It allows for long-distance video transmission and search operations.

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