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As a supplier of the HDMI DVB-T encoder modulator transmitter in China Shenzhen, we produce the HDMI input to the DVB-T output HD encoder modulator box and DVB-T encoder cardboard, it is AVerMedia DVB-T / PAL hybrid hardware encoder. It doesn't need a DVB-T encoder driver and app, it supports web UI management at the browser by a special IP address. It also supports upgrading the firmware from the browser to upload the software or USB stick. Яго лёгка ўсталяваць і наладзіць. Наш энкодэр-мадулятар DVB-t мае кіраўніцтва карыстальніка і кіраўніцтва па ўстаноўцы. Our cheapest wholesale price and best quality models get the best review and feedback from our clients. Our HDMI-to DVB-T HD encoder and modulator adapter for tv or pc has customized for 2-channel HD, 4-канал HD, and 8-channel HD input for your project.
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